Real Property Management Southern Connecticut

Knowing Your Neighbors May Lead to Safer Neighborhoods for Bridgeport Investors

Encouraging Tenants to Know Their Neighbors May Lead to Safer Neighborhoods for Bridgeport Investors

Nextdoor is one of the newest social networking services for residents to discover their communities. They recently conducted a survey on the state of the American neighborhood and studied how

Bridgeport property managers should encourage tenants to befriend their neighbors. It is also important to get involved in their communities. As a result, tenants will help foster safer places for your investment property.

A Matter of Manners

Do you know your neighbors by name? According to the Nextdoor survey, ⅓ of Americans don’t! And if knowing your neighbor makes for a safer community, then that’s a large portion of our country that could be safer through this simple act. Case in point:

For rental properties, if they don’t know their neighbors, then their neighbors are less inclined to keep an eye out for your properties while tenants are away.
These behaviors illustrate how people fail to take precautions when leaving town:

● 38 percent of people don’t tell a neighbor that they are leaving
● 12 percent allow their mailbox to overflow
● 10 percent make social media announcements about their travels
● 8 percent don’t take the time to ensure their windows and doors are locked before leaving

Who’s Behind the Fence?

If homeowners and tenant residents would get to know their neighbors, this could help for a safer situation on the home front when residents are out of town. Your neighbor may be more willing to hold your mail for you until you are back and keep an eye on the property for suspicious activities. A neighbor may even be willing to care of pets, plants, and other household needs. You just need to get to know each other.

because neighbors with positive relationships are more inclined to watch out for suspicious activity at each other’s homes. Nearly half of people who do know their neighbors say this added safety measure keeps them from moving.

So with good reasons, encourage your tenants to get to know their neighbors. When Bridgeport property managers

and keeps surrounding neighborhoods safer against criminal activities while the tenant is away.