Real Property Management Southern Connecticut

How to track rental property expenses (Part I)

As a landlord keeping accurate records is essential for any landlord’s peace of mind, tracking your monthly rental income and expenses is an essential part of effectively managing your rental property and getting the most out of your investment.

There are several regular expense deductions that you need to track, such as depreciation, mortgage interest, and pass-through taxation.

The volatility of the market in past years has essentially changed the way investing should happen.

However, not every expense is routine. Many will be one-off or otherwise irregular expenses. For example, maintenance or management costs. These expenses can build up over the course of the year to make up a sizeable chunk of your deductible expenses and they must be properly recorded with associated receipts as proof to claim these expenses back at the end of the year.

Before you look at any property, you need to compile a checklist of all expenses, and potential ones, that you may encounter.

Expenses You Need To Track

Every landlord needs to find their own way of managing their rental property expenses. You’ll want to find a way which works for you.