Real Property Management Southern Connecticut

2021 Projects for your New Haven home

“A house is made of brick and mortar, but home is made by the people who live there.”

-M.K. Soni-


More than ever choose to be grateful for the roof over your head and the protection from the outside world.

Your home provides warmth and comfort and a variety of things that many people in the world do not have the privilege of.  Small projects to upgrade home will make you smile, an feel happier whether it is re-staining the kitchen cabinets or waxing the hallway floors. The satisfaction you will get from the results will make the work well work it.

Next we will present you some ideas to make little but significant changes to you home:

Early Outdoors planning

It is not too early to consider the backyard garden. Create a timeline of when you will plant each plant variety. Plant plenty of tubs around the seating area with scented blooms and herbs for you to enjoy.

Could the bench or table and chairs be repositioned? Try moving things around for a fresh take A splash of color at the front of the house is an eye-catching plus. For maximum impact, choose one color and vary the height of plants.


Clean Your Cleaning Tools

We never clean our cleaning tools, right?

We know the importance of cleaning and maintaining most stuff, but our cleaning tools are often forgotten.

Just because it is used for cleaning does not mean that it is self-cleaning.  Also, the better the tools are maintained, the longer they will perform.

Take charge by changing your vacuum filter, washing your mop head in the washing machine, and washing and drying your broom bristles.

Upgrade your mudroom

It is no longer merely the place to stash your boots, but where you go to sanitize when you come back home from street.

For a more subtle change, buy an extra coat rack or build a DIY organizer for boots and shoes, paint it with some shinny color or just place a mirror, a basket or a plant to upgrade.

Place a box or a basket where you can put shoes, so you can sanitize them in a right and safe way, making sure your home is COVID free.




Kitchen Moves

For many families, entertaining and eating is done right in the kitchen, which means that not only do you want a clean kitchen for cooking, but you will also want space for having company over.

A cluttered kitchen can disrupt a cook’s workflow. Take control of disorganized pots and pans and disorderly drawers by buying or DIY new solutions like spoon organizers, knife rack, a pull-out pot holder, shelves or just sell, throw away or donate what you do not use anymore.  The more space the better.

Brighten up the kitchen by giving your old wood cabinets new character whit a coat of paint, paper or just cleaning and put furniture products.

Mold and Mildew

To check your home for mold and mildew, start with areas where there could be high humidity or water damage, such as a damp basement or crawl space.

Keep closets, dresser drawers, basements — any place where mildew is likely to grow — as clean as possible, get rid of dampness, dry the air, also you can use chemicals that absorb moisture

First, have the mold tested by a pro if it is making you sick; it could be black mold. If not, clean it with hot water and baking soda. Mildew in the shower can be prevented with a simple spray of vinegar or tea tree oil and water.